Labor and Social Security Law
Our many years of experience in the field of labour and social security allows us to ensure comprehensive assistance in the management of labour relations, from the formation of the contract to the termination stage, as well as in-depth knowledge of National Collective Labour Agreements and sectoral agreements, national and European legislation and jurisprudence.
We provide support in the disciplinary phase of the employment relationship, deal with out-ofcourt settlement of disputes, assisted negotiation, and conciliation in a protected venue.
We provide scrupulous assistance in judicial proceedings, including in judicial conciliation. We deal with occupational safety, occupational injuries and illnesses, and the resolution of mobbing, straining, and work-related stress.
We deal with the area of equal opportunities, which involves the company, both in terms of work organisation and in terms of dispute resolution in discriminatory matters.
We provide advice and assistance in the fields of disability, social security and compulsory assistance.